Thursday, 29 November 2012

Follow Your Heart

I must share with you my wonderful day yesterday and why following my heart with my food love has been such a good decision. I'm very excited to say that I have a couple of pieces to be published in a magazine next year. Prior to this and writing my blog I had a real creative void which I desperately wanted to fill but wasn't sure how. I couldn't draw, paint (apart from my face and nails!) or play an instrument so I felt I had no role in expressing creativity. It was only earlier in this year that by starting my blog and writing a couple of pieces I am filling that void and almost bursting with excitement daily. It has forced me to learn more about photography (work in progress!) which is a new area for me and forcing me to learn new skills, get the hell out of my comfort zone and grow and evolve which is just how life should be.

I decided I needed to invest in myself and get some really decent photos taken for my magazine piece so called on the beautiful and talented Betty Bee. I've been following her blog for a while so it was great meeting this lovely lady in the flesh as well as Lilly Von Pink and Mr Bee since I had read about them in Betty's blog. Betty did my makeup, Lilly did my hair and throw Mr Bee in the mix with his camera, this talented trio transformed me into a modern Monroe. It was such fun but that aside, being around creative people who take life by the balls and make it work for them by following their passion was a sheer inspiration. I just loved it and the place was rocking with such a fantastic energy. Yes I was there for the photos but sometimes the experience is just as good as the result. And the results I'm sure you agree are bloody brilliant and forgive me for bigging myself up but I think I look the nuts!

So what I'm trying to say is that following your heart is an essential journey; you're being authentic, you learn more and get to meet some brilliant people along the way.


Monday, 19 November 2012

Speedy Healthy Pizza

Well being true to my previous blog I attended my spinning class tonight and I worked my butt off to the extent it felt like I had an out of body experience; ie beyond pain. So when I got home it was imperative that I refuelled correctly post traumatic event but I needed something quick easy and of course healthy so as not to counteract the positive effects of my mammoth efforts.
Maybe my spinning class isn't as painful as how these ladies feel in the saddle!
One meal that always comes in handy is my godsend pizzas whereby the base is a tortilla wrap with tomato puree topped with yummy and colourful peppers, chicken, ham and a dusting of cheese. They take about 5 minutes to warm through in the oven. They're not as heavy as normal pizza bases and for me making an effort to watch my hourglass physique they're an ideal choice. More than that it provides a grand opportunity to increase the old portions of veg. Check out the pics, they're bursting with colour so from an aesthetic POV pleasing on the eye also.

Now I admit I'm not a huge fan of processed food but a girl can't have it all - working FT, rushing to the gymnasium then making a meal from scratch. So I used pre cooked chicken. Not the thin Bernard Matthews style but chunky pieces of chicken breast. In an ideal world I would have used fresh but given what I've just said it was the best of the situation since the rest of it was top notch nutritionally. I served up a mighty salad with rocket, spinach, tomatoes and more peppers. Oh and I forgot to add - over the pizza I drizzled my all time favourito Peri Peri sauce by Wildly Delicious and it lives up to it's name. It's bloody gorgeous.

Eating a rainbow
So give it a whirl and experiment with different toppings. Let me know the result.


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Getting Real

As much as this blog is about tasty food, nutrition and health may pop up occasionally since it’s of my favourite subjects as well as all things vintage, music, spirituality, hairstyling, Vivienne Westwood clothes and home interiors. Yup a real mixed bag!

 I've slowly put on a fair bit of extra bulk over the last couple of years.  These days I travel a lot and work quite long days and finding that the “odd treat” makes up for the days mayhem. However my treat to exercise ratio has been somewhat imbalanced. I accept this isn't sustainable should I want to work it like Dita Von Teese. Yes I fully embrace my curves but when the curves begin to form into a round shape then alarm bells ring.

As a spiritual bird who has read a heck of a lot of self development books, being less than my best is unacceptable. Living at a higher energy means raising the bar in all areas of life. I deserve the best. Aqua aerobics? Pah! I'm all about serious training and if it’s not at least an hour and I'm not drowning in my own sweat then I’ll not bother. And that’s the problem. I haven’t bothered. 
Boxercise is one of my faves
Because my current lifestyle doesn't allow the same room for the same amount and frequency of exercise compared to the past, I've been hard on myself for coming up with excuses  - no time, too tired etc. Waiting for “things to settle down” so that I have a chunk of time to really devote to hard physical activity graft just isn't going to happen like a couple of years ago when that was more achievable.

But beating myself up also beat up my confidence so it was time for a mental shift. I was so caught up in who I used to be and what I used to do and applying old methods to a new situation.  What worked then doesn't work now for a whole host of reasons.

I considered whether might have to lower my standards to make progress. It really made sense but it was tough to come to terms with. Like I said I'm all about the heroics and the big stuff. I want to play big in my life so “rubbish” things like taking the stairs instead of the lift was for people who hadn't exercised in 20 years, I wanted to train like an athlete! For Vivi to gain victory with health goals it was time to get real.

So here’s the plan. Of course treats have to be kept to a minimum. But exercise will have to follow when it can. Not an unrealistic rigid structure of 5 x per week wedged into an erratic and chaotic week. And guess what? After one week of applying this mindset I've managed to achieve more exercise than before. I've been to a spinning class and plan another tomorrow but apart from that I've squeezed in a couple of brisk walks, jogged up and down the stairs in a hotel I was staying in, and more importantly, making peace with my situation instead of fighting against it. It might not be enough to fit back into my Mad Men Joan style dress just yet, but for now it’s good for my mind and my overall health and better than nothing.

Busting a few moves while waiting for the kettle to boil ain't an intense workout but it's better than nothing!

Ditch the role models - be your own! But copy their style!
It’s easy to look at others for inspiration and try to live their life.  But sometimes we lose our own inner wisdom in doing that. No-one knows you like you do. You know the difference of when you’re being lazy or genuinely stuck for time.

So the message really is to make peace with your situation as fighting against it can keep you at stalemate. This doesn't mean to stop trying to be your best. It’s just choosing your battles wisely. Follow your own mission and do what works for you.

Love Vivi.x